Is the new European Package Regulation a protective shield for UK OTA’s?

The hotel only sector in the UK is inevitably becoming commoditised as its easy for customers to compare prices by visiting multiple sites via Google or price comparison sites such as Trivago and Tripadvisor.

The same can be said for the flight only market, as I can’t remember the last time, Skyscanner was not my first point of choice, when looking for flights.

However, the same cannot be said when looking for holidays, although players like Kayak and Travel Supermarket are trying to establish a position.

Dynamic Packaging has exponentially increased customers holiday choices with thousands of both flight and hotel options, which when multiplied together yield around 100 million holiday options that each OTA can offer on their sites.

Putting an aggregation and comparison layer above this is very hard, with current sites only comparing offers on the cheapest flight option and passing customers onto the OTA to modify their flight choices. Given that most OTA’s have access to the same flight and hotel suppliers, the savings available from comparison are low compared to the total holiday price and often customers simply use the comparison sites as a listing of OTA’s to look at before booking.

The biggest comparison threat therefore comes from Google, who could combine their already successful flight and hotel search’s to allow customers to Dynamically Package their own holiday options in the same way the OTA’s do.

However, the new European Package Directive puts a massive regulatory block on this, as it clearly states that facilitating the booking of flights and hotels requires the provider be a “Principal”, provide bonding and taking responsibility for the delivery of the product.

This is completely alien to the Google media model and unless they enter the process via a partnership with a global player, willing to take on these responsibilities, its simply not going to happen.

You then look at the Global market place and quickly realise that the major players such as and Tripadvisor only really operate in the hotel only market and currently not packages, leaving only Expedia is a likely option for the European market partner.

Although, Expedia worldwide are a major player, they have never fully got their heads around the European package market, leaving players like On the Beach, Love Holidays and Teletext to dominate the UK dynamic packaging sector. Combine this with the large element of the holiday market still accounted for by the traditional holiday giants of Tui, Thomas Cook/Jet2 holidays and you can quickly see that even Expedia could not provide an effective comparison tool for Google

So my simplistic conclusion is that although Google and are set to dominate the hotel only sector, the Package Travel Regulations provide a substantial barrier against entry into the European package holiday sector, allowing further growth for the UK’s leading OTA’s not only in the UK market, but increasing in other fertile markets like Holland, Poland and potentially the highly competitive German market place.

This growth however is likely to come via acquisition, as the cost of establishing a brand in other European markets, is often greater than the cost of buying an established player and improving its performance by utilising shared technology and bed buying synergies in the background.

Cross European consolidation of the dynamic packaging sector is definatly coming, but it’s just as likely to be driven by UK OTA’s as international giants like Priceline, Tripadvisor and Expedia. However, don’t rule out China’s C-Trip buying one of the UK’s major OTA’s as the first building block to establish a European strong hold.

Are On the Beach creating the next Evolution of Dynamic Packaging?

On the Beach’s move into B2B distribution via independent travel agents, is a highly logical move for the UK’s leading OTA and reflects the changing regulatory environment.


Prior to June’s role out of the new European Package Directive, OTA’s operated under the much lighter touch “Flight Plus ATOL” arrangements and therefore avoided B2B trade distribution, because selling via third parties was not possible under flight plus and required a full ATOL licence. This required principal status and incurred higher operating costs in the form of higher Public liability insurance, duty office and compensatory framework.


However, under the new regulation Flight Plus has effectively been scrapped and full ATOL licence are required for both B2C and B2B distribution, so why not exploit high street distribution?


From OTB’s point of view, high street agents provide risk free distribution, with commission only being paid on booking, creating a known cost of customer acquisition (CPA). Contrast this with the greater risk from an ever increasing cost per click (CPC) Google advertising model and you can see the attraction, particularly when there is a clear argument that the high street attracts a different customer sector to those who book online.


Significantly, OTB has one of the highest online margins per booking, created by a slick booking process where customers are initially hooked by ultra-low flight prices, derived by mix and matching different low cost carrier flight option, before booking directly contracted “Recommended” hotels and integrated holiday extras such as transfers.


These high margins will allow OTB to pay attractive commission to the trade, whilst retaining a small element of profit to cover their administration and bonding costs. Trade distribution will never be a massive profit driver for OTB, but it could easily add a third more volume, boosting its buying power with hoteliers and potentially making it a more attractive channel for airline partners to reach high street agents.


From a agents perspective the key question is “Why would high street agents book OTB’s Classic Online packages, rather than packaging the same elements themselves?”


The answer probalby boils down to speed and risk. OTB’s booking interface is better than any B2B booking tool I have seen and is provided free of charge. It will also come with full financial protection and public liability insurance, so as long as commission are competitive, it provides a simple and fast booking platform with much reduced risk to the travel agent.


I am sure some travel agents will be worried about supporting a “Competitor”, but holidays will be sold via a separate B2B brand and I’m sure OTB will be providing guarantees about not using email address or mobile numbers, to remarket to these customers in the future.


Interestingly, it may be the low cost carriers themselves who object to OTB’s move. It is expected that Easyjet Holidays will be following Jet2 Holidays lead and launching their own trade tour operation for Summer 2019. How will they feel about competing with OTB for trade distribution, when OTB are often under cutting their prices by combing outbound Easyjet Flights with inbound Ryanair flights?


You can certainly imagine some friction occurring here, but conversely Easyjet may be perfectly happy to take the extra £30 a booking they earn from flight API fees on these trade sales without having any of the hassle of actually selling a holiday!


Adding Trade distribution is a logical step for On the Beach and could easily be a win:win for both them and trade partners, however I would not be surprised to hear some trade consortia saying “Not on my Watch”.

The Trump effect on holiday prices!

The main drivers of change in year on year holiday prices are Fuel prices, dollar aircraft leasing costs and individual destinations exchange rates. The impact of these changes is also effected by when and how much tour operators or airlines, hedge fuel price and currency costs.

Historically, tour operators printed brochures with fixed prices and hedged enough fuel and currency to cover the first print run up until December. The aim was always to hedge at the same time as your major competitors, to remove any fluctuations within the competitive landscape. However, as brochures have become less relevant in the internet age and fluid pricing has become prevalent, the period and dates tour operators hedge have aligned themselves more to those of low cost carriers, who tend to hedge as they put the next seasons programs on sale in October.

As I explained in my last blog, rising fuel costs are likely to reduce flight capacity in the market place as airlines cut back the amount of marginal early morning and mid-week flights they operate. Unfortunately, for airlines the dollar to pound exchange rate, although it soared as high at 1.48 is now level with the start of the year at 1.28 to the pound, meaning that there is no reduction in aircraft leasing costs to dampen the rising fuel costs.

At the moment it seems Donald Trump’s announcements can have a major impact on  currencies relevant to beach holidays.

With Brexit looming it seems inevitable that the Sterling/Euro exchange rate will become more volatile over the next year as we appear to be staggering towards a hard Brexit. We have already seen what impact a Trump announcement about Brexit and a quick trade deal with the UK can have on the value of the pound.

Less expected was a doubling of steel trade tariffs against Turkey. This combined with a fragile Turkish economy has led to a 20% reduction in the value of the Turkish Lira in the last week and a year on year devaluation of over 40% versus the pound.

You would naturally expect that this devaluation would feed directly into lower holiday prices and make Turkish holidays better value against Euro beach destinations, however in reality it’s not as simple as that.

For a long time Turkish hoteliers have contracted with UK tour operators and bed banks primarily in pounds sterling or to a lesser extent dollars. Therefore, Turkey has seen a benefit as the Sterling to Euro exchange rate has deteriorated over the last few years, but most of this is already backed into holiday prices as the fall in the last year has only been from 1.17 to 1.12.

Obviously, customers in resort spending power has been dramatically increased and the average cost of a beer down to £1.60. However, again this is mitigated by a 65% plus mix of All Inclusive sales, which where contracted in sterling and the customer rarely wonders away from their Free bar!

Here it is the hotelier who is getting the short term benefit of being able to buy more Lira with their sterling receipts, which in turn reduces their costs of operating.  Unfortunately, with an inflation rate of 17% this benefit will be eroded quickly and is not likely to be passed on in lower hotel prices next year.

With self-catering properties being available from £1 per night in Turkey during  October, there is likely to be a strong late demand for self-catering in the next few months, but with Google advertising costs relatively fixed, OTA’s need to make sure there are not selling this product at a loss given the low average booking values!!

Love him or hate him, the Trump factor is likely to impact into next year’s market. The problem is that it’s virtually impossible to predict how!


Will the escalating fuel cost drive capacity cuts for Summer 2019?

Fuel prices have risen by 50% since June 2017 and as airlines fuel hedges unwind, they will need to pass as much of this increased cost on to customers in the form of higher prices as possible.  However, to do this they will need to reduce supply relative  to demand, which will inevitably lead to capacity cuts.


As UK holiday makers know, airlines don’t price their product like most companies.

Rather than pricing each ticket based on how much it costs to fly to Majorca, with perhaps a built-in profit margin, airlines set fares based on supply and demand. It’s why a Saturday day flight is more expensive than on a Wednesday 6am departure, even though the operating cost is the same. It’s just a matter of increasing demand for less popular slots by reducing price, as long as the net result at least covers the operating cost.

Therefore, when fuel prices are low as they were in 2017, airlines look to drive the utilisation of their fixed aircraft assets by introducing more mid-week and early morning flights boosting capacity. Also, aggressively expanding airlines like Jet2 massively increased capacity with the introduction of new bases such as Stanstead.

However, when fuel prices reverse its obviously harder to remove this capacity, but if it’s not removed then its impossible for airlines to match supply and demand in order to pass on the cost increase on to a customers in the form of higher prices.

This is doubly true in a UK market place facing demand damping factors such as good UK weather, a weak pound and fears of political and business disruption because of Brexit.

The easiest solution is obviously for one or more airlines to be forced out of the market, but with the benefit of the removal of Monarch already banked, who is realistically at threat of collapse?


Ryanair are openly talking up the prospects of Norwegian Airways and Alitalia failing this winter, but neither of these would remove much short haul capacity from the UK market, although players like Rynair might switch capacity out of the UK to the Nordics to fill the massive gap created in the market there.


The logical step for UK low cost airlines is therefore to reduce capacity by scraping marginal routes or moving aircraft from short flight duration routes like Mainland Spain, to longer flight sectors such as Turkey and the Canaries. Adding one Turkey flight will utilise an aircraft for the same time as two Alicante flights, in effect halving the number of seats to be sold, assuming of course they can get enough yield from the Turkey flight to balance the books.


There is also an argument that airlines like Jet2 are effectively reducing the amount of flights seats in the market by selling more as package holidays. I’m not however convinced that this hold much water, as in my opinion Jet2 are just swapping capacity out of the OTA dynamic packaging market into their inhouse tour operation.


Ironically, the simplest route to boost demand may be for the low cost airlines to finally recognise the volume of seats filled on aircraft by the UK OTA’s and do deals to reduce their high API fees (£30 per booking) in exchange for preferential promotion within the OTA’s sites.


But I would suggest that wouldn’t I !!!


Will good UK weather impact this year lates market?

Having managed Airtours yield team for many years, I’m more than aware of the impact good UK weather can have on holiday sales in the lates market.


With historically 45% of all package holidays sold within 3 months of departure, minimising losses whilst achieving 99% load factors, was a crucial element of the financial performance for the year. That’s why we often looked out of the window and prayed for rain!


A pattern of good mid-week weather, followed by rain at weekends maximises customer frustration and boosted sales the most, but it was good weather in May and June period that we feared the most. This often lead to a slowdown in sales and a build-up of excess capacity as we approached the peak summer period. With four major tour operators in those days, competitive pressure was also a key influence in driving rapidly decreasing prices and holidays being sold for £99 at the last minute.


Structural changes to our industry, with the consolidation of four to two major UK tour operators and a switch to “differentiated product” to drive early sales, has massively reduced the “excess” package stock in the market place. Similarly, the low cost yield models of Easyjet, Jet2 and Ryanair all seek to do their yielding early, leaving less stock available in the latest market, which in turn has led to a much more controllable lates market in recent years.


However, I think this has masked the impact of the “Connected” Internet world, which in my opinion has made the overseas lates holiday market more vulnerable to good weather in the UK.


When the pre-millennial generation were growing up, mothers dreaded the 6 weeks summer holidays, as kids quickly became bored at home. An overseas holiday was a welcome break and theoretically, an opportunity for Dad to step up to the mark and share the work load, by splashing with the kids in the pool or building sand castles.


But today’s kids have been brought up in a world with 1,000s of satellite TV channels, on demand TV and PlayStation’s that allow them to play games with a wide range of friends, without even stepping out of the house. One of my kids wouldn’t even come on beach holidays, as he did not see the point and did not like the sun. I’m sure these days he may not be alone!


If the kids are happy at home, it’s not surprising that if the weather in the UK is good over the summer, more mums and dads are opting for a few days in the garden gathered with friends around a barbeque, supplemented with a few days trips.


This is less of an issue for the asset light dynamic packing OTA’s as not holding perishable assets means its normally flight and hotel prices that take the pain required to get prices low enough to tempt customers, so the day jobs probably safe.


However, I personally think “UK Staycationers” are missing out on other key aspects of an overseas holiday. Namely, the experiencing of different cultures, sites, languages, food and even swimming in the sea. Not to mention the detox that the entire family experience by unplugging from the “Constantly on” internet world and enjoying meals out where the whole family engage in conversation. I know, a rarity in my house hold as well!

Does the OTA community need a new Monarch?

Easyjet’s appointment of Johan Lundgren as CEO, was bound to herald an increased focus on their holiday division and the poaching of Tui’s highly experienced product and contracting director Gary Wilson clearly heralds the start of a big push.


Given the introduction of the new Package Travel reforms and the increased costs imposed upon “Dynamic Packaging” retailers, the launch of a Easyjet Holidays B2B trade proposition for high-street travel agents looks inevitable. Why would Easyjet Holidays leave the trade Jet2holidays?


It may even be possible that Easyjet Holiday’s launch’s their first summer brochure to the trade in January 2019, but it’s a tight timeline to increase its direct buying to build a competitive product and a launch for Summer 2020 may be more realistic.


The high-street will welcome the move back to a “big four” tour operators, with the new boys of Jet2 and Easyjet servicing the “commodity” beach market, that both Tui and Thomas Cook have deserted in their quest for “Differentiated” product.


More competition normally means more commission for a high street distribution channel that only charges for results, unlike Google or Meta sites which primarily operate relatively high risk cost per click (CPC) models.


The news is more worrying for the OTA community, which historically has relied upon access to low cost carrier seats to fuel their packages. Until recently, OTA’s actively welcomed the shift away from charter flights on routes, where they only had access to 25% of seats, to low cost carriers where they had free access to 100% of seats.


However, the launch of low cost carrier tour operations has begun to change the rules of this access.


Jet2’s yield team, use “opaque” packages to boost its yield curve on routes, by pushing heavily discounted seats into its package holidays. These are invisible to its competitors pricing teams and allows them to maintain a stable flight only market price. This quite legitimate yield tool, also guarantees it’s in house tour operation has package prices that cannot be matched by DIY customers or OTA’s.


Easyjet take a different approach and make their seats freely available via an XML feed, but charge a substantial premium for the service at £6.00 per passenger per sector, which on average is £30 per booking over its standard flight prices. This has been in operation for a number of years and clearly works for all parties, however OTA’s will now be concerned that they may be competing with an inhouse tour operation, where such a charge is a mere “wooden dollar” internal transfer, that’s unlikely to effect the final holiday price.


Ironically, OTA’s key commercial advantage, remains the fact that they are NOT the asset holder and are free to sell the widest range of flights with the best flight times. They can also often generate substantial savings for customers via “Split Flying” where they combine outbound seats with Easyjet with cheap inbound seats from Ryanair or even Thomas Cook on routes like Turkey which is suffering excess capacity. Therefore, OTA’s will remain a key part of the holiday ecosystem providing competition for the new “Big four” in the B2C market and potentially moving forward via B2B products sold via the trade.


However, strategically the OTA community would welcome a new airline partner without its own tour operation and collaboration with airlines such as Emirates, Etihad, Turkish Airways or Norwegian to establish a new short haul network is not beyond the realms of possibility.


As ever cost effective customer acquisition and retention is likely to be the key decider between the winners and losers in the holiday battle and I would argue that OTA’s independence gives them a strong counter balance to the new big four “airline owning” tour operators.

Pre-booked Sunbeds – Creative commerciality or a step to far?

I personally applaud Thomas Cooks creative commercial thinking behind identifying sun beds as another chargeable optional extra in a package holiday.

Low cost airlines first brought this phycology to the market place, by first making luggage a chargeable extra and then pre-booked flight seats. They rightly pointed out that this allows them to charge a lower price for the basic flight seat and leaves customers to choose what they want to pay for.

For example, why should a customer who takes fewer clothes via hand luggage pay the same as a customer taking a 22kg suitcase, which requires airline staff to check it in, transport it to the plane and then load/unload it. In this case there is a clear cost saving that the airline can pass on to reward hand luggage only customers.

Pre-booked seats, when it was first introduced, was more controversial as there is minimal extra cost to implement this and most airlines already offered the service free of charge to its customers, who expected to be able to pre-book seats next to each other. Supposed “Full Service” airlines such as British Airways initially resisted such innovations, preferring to sell on the basis of “Differentiated Service”, but after a number of years of losing ground eventually followed suit.

Therefore, you can only applaud Thomas Cook for becoming the “Easyjet” of the package holiday world and evolving its product offering to give customers the option of paying to pre-book the best sun beds. Just like Easyjet’s “Speedy boarding” service, this not only is a valuable service to some customers, it also provides a degree of “show off ability” that they are smart enough to pre-book and can afford to do so. A few seasons of “sun bed” envy will soon see the uptake of this service soar.

The subtle down side of Thomas Cook launching this policy, is that it does allow its major competitor Tui to take the moral high ground over its “differentiated” holiday products, where I am sure it will claim sun beds are so plentiful that there is no need to pay extra to pre-book. However, for me this has echoes of British Airways stance and is unlikely to have any real impact in a world where customer choice, is just as “Customer Centric” as full service options that cost more.

This year, Turkey is not just for Christmas.

As we sit recovering from one to many Christmas turkey dinners, it may be time to look at the year ahead and assess the role that Turkey as a destination is likely to play in the success of the UK Travel Industry this year.

The collapse of Monarch airlines gave a stark warning as to how nasty the “Spanish route” price war had got, with average yields having dropped by 30% over a 2-year period for most airlines.

As we all know, terrorism and political unrest has seen a massive concentration of demand into Spanish destinations, resulting in scarce last-minute hotel availability and large price hikes. Fortunately, for OTA’s whose flexible model allows them to be “parasites living off the misery of others”, these hotel price increases were offset by reduced last minute flight prices, as airlines struggled with excess last-minute capacity to fill their aircraft.

For virtually the first time, we saw how disastrous the low-cost model of discounting early can be, if high hotel price’s mean they cannot fill the last-minute seats and have to “double discount”.

The failed Turkish coup in July 2016 ensured that not only late demand for Turkey in 2016 was dramatically reduced, but also led to large swaths of capacity being redirected to Spain in 2017. Therefore, even though Turkey remained stable in 2017 and late demand surged back, there were few seats left to match with the plentiful and cheap hotel availability.

However, some airlines desperate to remove capacity from the Spanish blood bath, are flooding capacity back into Turkey for 2018.

Ironically, in these situations a high degree of “Exclusive”, but committed hotel product is working against TUI, who have increased capacity by 100k passengers, compared to the massive hike in capacity that Thomas Cook have put back into Turkey, with a virtual doubling of capacity to 600k passengers. Although, exclusive product is highly profitable, it cannot be moved around and does expose the owners to big swings in destination demand.

Also, the successful short duration, high frequency flying model of Ryanair combined with 5th freedom flight permissions issues, resulting from being an Irish rather than UK carrier, has kept them out of this potentially lucrative Turkey alternative. Easyjet on the other hand have no such limitations and having acquired profitable routes from GB Airways many years ago, know Turkey’s yield potential.

Easyjet’s biggest UK competition is likely to come from Thomas Cook being nervous of their large capacity increase and reducing perceived risk, by dumping flight only seats at low prices early to boost load factors.

A more left field threat is Turkey’s own low cost airlines like Turkish Airways, which have the benefit of being based downstream and so are able to move capacity around

Europe to exploit regional peaks in demand e.g. both Scottish and English school holidays with one flying program.

Turkey is one of the UK’s few major beach destinations outside of the Euro and with the pound having strengthened markedly against the Turkish Lira over the last 12 months (+20%), the price benefit of an All-Inclusive holiday to Turkey over its Spanish compatriots has never been higher.

Unfortunately, the same price advantage also applies to Germany, the other European beach power house, and capacity is also piling back in from that source market, so 2018 may be the one and only year for the British travel trade to gobble up as much Turkey as possible.

Mobile is fragmenting the OTA booking process and re-shaping their basic infrastructure.

For most online player’s, mobile represents more than 50% of their traffic, but has a much lower conversion than its desktop cousin. It’s no surprise therefore, that a “Mobile First” approach has become the key focus for most OTA’s with literally 1,000’s of A/B tests constantly being applied to try to find the ultimate “User Interface” (UX) for mobile sites.

The original focus of the industry was on “Responsive” sites, that optimised the desktop journey to represent it better on mobile devices. Quickly, the UX guys realised that the “Friction points” on a hand-held device from “big finger “clumsiness issues, required different solutions to mouse driven desktop interfaces. However, the “Real Mobile” difference, is the very limited time customers view their mobile devices at one time and the development of what the marketers call “Mobile Moments”. This means that the mobile journey must be much faster and to achieve this simpler.

The latest movement in UX is focusing on “Removing friction” in the booking journey. In laymen’s terms, this means understanding the users’ intent and ensuring that the experience provided is exactly what the user wants providing clear actions, in some respect this could be perceived as “dumbing” down the booking journey by removing any possible distractions. Just have a look at how different the “” desktop and mobile sites are. On the mobile site, filters are hidden and once a customer is in the booking funnel, any distraction from the key goal e.g. book a hotel, has been removed.

The result is that ancillary sales such as car hire, transfers and insurance, are being shunted to a post booking pitches via email or clever “Remarketing”, using cookies that allow highly targeted “post booking” advertising of ancillaries. This “two stage” approach is facilitated by getting customers to downloading the “mobile App”, as even though many customers forget they have the app on the phone, it allows much more effective push marketing and links to content rich post sale processes. What is dressed up as customer service by companies like and Airbnb, is highly profitable in-resort revenue, relating to local excursions, transport options or dinning out. These allow them to maximize revenues once a customer has been acquired, but in a two-stage booking process. They would never interrupt their mobile booking flows with these options, but once they have the app downloaded they can easily become the customers “pocket passport” and sale a whole range of “ancillary” products by using both geo location and time sensitive metrics.

Other companies have adopted similar processes, but may become unstuck due to their dependency on email as the secondary customer contract strategy. As GDPR comes into effect next

year, travel companies will be able to email customers about their booking as part of legitimate interests, however it’s still unclear whether these emails can provide a marketing up-sell message in addition. The line between allowable customer service follow up and the sale of new products, looks blurred and grey to me. For example, is it customer service to offer a transfer to customers who have brought a flight or hotel from you or a new sale they have not opted into? I would argue it’s fine, but I’m sure somebody may soon object.

Speed is also a key in a factor in a “mobile moments” environment and multiple layers of “caching” are a fundamental requirement of a mobile site. Slimed down content pages driven by AMP or price caching to drive the speed of results pages are now common. Again, compromise is required and here it is the absorption of price increases during the jump from cache to live, as not absorbing reduces conversion by up to 60%.

The ease of linking between mobile and desktop to allow a booking to be started in a “moment”, but to be completed at leisure on a desktop is key. Currently the only realistic method of doing this is to get the customer to login, which is tough in the travel environment where customers are promiscuous and on average visit 23 sites before booking. Easy login tools using Facebook etc. have helped, as do high levels of repeat booking customers, but this is a hard one to crack and will be a massive advantage to the travel company that gets this right.

OTA’s are also taking a good look at payment options and how these can be simplified, whilst at the same time pushing customers to the cheapest merchant clearing option. From January 2018, the industry will no longer be able to charge the global 2% surcharge for booking with a credit card, compared to a debit card. Logically, most customer will opt for the greater protection and better payment terms offered by booking via their credit cards. Many OTA’s already have plans centering around flexible deposits and payment terms only available for customers paying via debit card, but these tend to be complex and conflict with the requirement to simplify the mobile booking journey. Again, I think we may see a two-stage process with deposits being taken in the simplest way possible and any complexities being aimed at the balance payment process.

The key conclusion from this article is that Mobile is forcing not only a shift in booking flow but also a fundament review of booking process and the infrastructure supporting OTA’s, with caching and two staged booking process soon to become the norm. Well it would be boring if the rules didn’t keep changing in my view!

Easyjet Holidays trade launch and a further evolution of dynamic packaging in response to the European Travel Directive implementation.

Travel Agents quickly adapted to the dynamic package (DP) revolution, developing their own systems or buying relatively cheap pre-built Dynamic packaging platforms, that allowed them to combine low cost carrier seats with multiple bed bank XML feeds.

The initial DP battle was all about “Price and Range”, with agents looking to have the biggest range of hotels and the most suppliers per hotel, to ensure they could always offer the cheapest price. Many smaller travel agents and OTA’s have never moved past this “Range” is everything model.

However, over time, bigger OTA’s like On the Beach have consolidated consumer demand into a much smaller range of “Recommended Hotels”, so that they have enough volume to justify contracting the hotels directly via an in house buying team. This in turn yields lower rates and/or higher margins, which has allowed them to advertise these hotels harder and create a virtuous circle of growth, with 65% of all sales going into directly contracted product and expanding sales over all.

The introduction of the European Package directive, which comes into force in June 2018, effectively bans “Flight Plus” ATOL’s and will force all UK Dynamic Packaging companies to move from their current status as “Agent” of the Hotel to full “Principal” status.

We are told by legal experts, that this will not affect the VAT status, keeping DP agents out of the extra £20 per passenger cost imposed by UK TOMS VAT, however there is no avoiding the extra-legal responsibilities that principal status gives.

As “Principals” each agent will be responsible for implementing their own Health and Safety checking procedure and have at least one person in the company trained and responsible for implementing their policy.

In reality, H&S is a relatively low cost issue as there are a number of independent industry experts, offering off the shelf “Self-Assessment” systems that can provide the required protection. In my experience, it is very difficult for DP agents with relatively scattered sales, across 1,000’s of hotels, to actually influence the H&S implementation of an individual hotel. However, it is vital to identify any high-risk properties and to drop them immediately. In a world where you have 100’s of alternatives to offer your customers, not doing so is reckless and potential commercial suicide. Agents should also be warned, that the worst possible outcome is to implement a H&S policy and not follow it 100%, as this ratchets up the criminal liabilities of the management of the business.

In my opinion the biggest issue facing agents when they become “Principals” is the cost of Public Liability Insurance.

Currently, either customers or more beneficially the ambulance Chasing” lawyers powering the wave of “Sickness” claims sweeping the industry, do not bother with DP Agents who are acting as the agent of the hotel, as they cannot effectively sue them in the UK and would have to take cases to the hotels home country.

However, from June 2018, DP agents will become UK principals allowing customer to sue them in the UK for any accidents or sickness issues, which is obviously a major concern for the insurance companies providing Public Liability quotes. Currently, most agents have just extended their current policies up the change of law date in June 2018, as Insurers simply will not quote yet or are asking for up to tenfold increases in premiums.

I personally expect that the cost of Public liability insurance will quickly stabilize and reduce as claims histories under the new Principal status are understood. However, the need to reduce Public liability cost may force agents to cut the number of bed bank suppliers based on the H&S policies and public liability indemnities that each supplier is willing to give. This is because these “pass on” indemnities will have a major influence on the agents own public liability costs.

Conversely, not having a bed bank provider to pass on Public liability costs may make the benefit of direct contracting less attractive where passenger volumes are lower in the major OTA’s, although I expect this impact to me minimal.

It is also likely that DP agents will ask the question “Why have 1,000’s of hotels on sale, that we have not sold in the last year? as doing so increases costs.

Chuck into the mix, the need to have a 24-hour duty office and emergency procedure training for all senior management and you quickly get a strong case for consolidation of product supply.

Therefore, within the next two years, I therefore expect all major consortia such as TTNG, Advantage, Global, Hays Travel etc. to be powering not just part of their agents DP operations, but 100% with there also being an increase in sales for Low cost carriers holiday operations.

Jet2 Holidays have lead the rush to replace the supply of “Standard” beach holidays to the independent travel agent sector, as both TUI and more recently Thomas Cook, abandoned the “Commodity” beach holiday market, in favor “Differentiated hotels”. However, the appointment of Johan Lundgren, the Ex Tui Boss, as Chief Executive of Easyjet must spell a major move by Easyjet into the Holiday sector.

I have previously been critical in articles of Easyjet insistence of finding outsourced partners to run their holiday division, but believe that given Johan’s vast experience in the holiday sector, he will quickly move the holiday operation in house and launch a major program to the UK Travel agent community in time for Summer 2019. I may be wrong but I willing to take some large wagers if anybody but Johan is willing to make them!!!